Welcome to Authentic African Works (AAW) site

We are a community-based organization dedicated to transforming the lives of refugees in Uganda.

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We train refugee women and youth in leather sandal making to create more job opportunities and enhance self-resilience.
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We appreciate your input in advancing our mission.

We believe we can make it to a community of empowered individuals thriving in sustainable careers and self-reliance.

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Empowering Refugee Youth through Craftsmanship

Authentic African Works (AAW) is a community-based women led organization located in Kyaka II refugee settlement, Uganda. It focuses on creating employment and education opportunities to the youth especially women and girls, through equipping them with hands-on skills and scholarship opportunities. By training and employing youth, AAW equips them with skills and income-generating opportunities, improving their standards of living and fostering self-reliance.

We are AAW!

Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Core Values

To equip refugee youth, particularly women and girls, with hands-on vocational skills, education, and income-generating opportunities.

A community of empowered individuals thriving in sustainable careers and self-reliance.

Commitment: In the absence of motivation, dedication/commitment keeps us going.
Responsibility: We are responsible and accountable with whatever is intrusted to us. 
Transparency: If it is not transparent, it is not right.
Compassion: We empathise with and care for those around us. 

Our Solution

Given the challenges and disparities that girls face, our solution focuses on making it financially feasible for them to complete A’level secondary school by offering sponsorships, personal development training, and remedial lessons to help them improve their academic performance and compete for university scholarships.

In addition, we provide technical and entrepreneurial skills to women and girls with limited formal education, creating employment opportunities and helping them improve their standard of living.

Challenge by %:


Primary school-aged refugee children are enrolled in schools


Continue to secondary education


Reach higher education

These disparities are exacerbated for refugee girls due to financial constraints, early marriages, and other socio-economic barriers.